Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I want to hear yourrrr stories!

Hey so everyone that reads this blog... I would love it if you could email me some stories that you have about The Horrors...an interesting story about meeting them, listening to the album, just any cool experiences you have about the band waxsealsandpadlocks@hotmail.com SEND MY WAY : )

Here is a story someone already sent me:

"So I gave a copy of the record to this guys Troy in Pittsburgh who runs a bar called Gooski's and plays in a Turbonegro tribute band called Trouser Snake. He played it at Gooski's before one of their shows and someone stole the CD player from the soundboard. They found the cd player in the alley behind the club. The CD drawer had been forced open and the disc was gone. Someone actually stole a CD play just for the Horrors CD!"


Ultragrrrl said...

A lot of my friends tease me about the way I dance, and when the "Sheena is a Parasite" video came out, the teasing got 100x worse since I pretty much dance exactly like "sheena". So at the Horrors Alternative Press SXSW show, I managed to convince the band to let me get on stage and dance to "Sheena." Well, when I was standing on stage, dancing up on Faris, he gave me a bit of a push and i went flying into the audience. I slammed my back and knocked my head. I had a concussion for 5 days!

Gurj said...

Last year we invited The Horrors over to our apartment for a cup of tea and some crumpets.

This is what happened.

"It's the cops!" *wiggle wiggle*
