Wednesday, April 11, 2007

SXSW Stolen Transmission party!

So we were still dealing with the fallout from the "Elvis in Boston" incident (not to mention the bottle of wine incident in NYC) and were more than a bit nervous about what was going to happen during their set. During Gloves, which closed the show, Faris jumped down into the crowd and pulled a trash can up onto the stage. He threatened to through it into the crowd several times but didn't. Sarah and I moved to the front since we both lose total control when he screams "AND I JUST COULDN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!". As he screamed that line, I got hit in the face with a huge bin full of garbage, Sarah grabbed onto me and spun me around, I tripped over the can and got another bin full of shit dumped on me from the crowd. I was soaked with a nice mixture of stale beer and remains of various drinks from the night. IT WAS FUCKIN BRILLIANT!
-Rob Stevenson

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